
The Global --python Option

usage: setl [-h] [--python PYTHON] {build,clean,develop,publish,} ...

Named Arguments

--python Target Python executable

Setl is able to run “out of environment,” i.e. does not need to be installed into the same environment that builds the package. The interpreter is instead passed in by the --python command. For example, the following command builds the project against the command python2.7:

sefl --python=python2.7 build

The --python option accepts one of the followings:

  • Absolute or relative path to a Python executable.
  • Python command (shutil.which is used to resolve).
  • Python version specifier (the Python launcher is used to resolve).

Default Heuristic

Setl tries to do the right thing if no --python value is explicitly given. It looks for the following places, in this order:

  • A non-empty environment variable SETL_PYTHON (interpreted with the same rules as --python).
  • If Setl is run in an activated virtual environment context, use that active environment’s interpreter. (Setl detects the VIRTUAL_ENV environment variable.)
  • If Setl is installed inside a virtual environment, use the interpreter it is installed in (i.e. sys.executable).

If all of the above checks fail, Setl will require an explicit --python value, or otherwise error out.


The specified Python needs to have pip available.

Build Files

Build the package

usage: setl build [-h] [--info] [--ext] [--py] [--clib] [--scripts]

Named Arguments

--info Build .egg-info directory
--ext Build extensions
--py Build pure Python modules
--clib Build C libraries
--scripts Build scripts

Most of the flags have a direct build_* counterpart. --info corresponds to egg_info.

If no flags are passed, Setl will run egg_info build to go through all the build steps.

Install for Development

Install package in ‘development mode’

usage: setl develop [-h]

Behaves very much like develop.

Build and Publish Distributions

Publish distributions to PyPI

usage: setl publish [-h] [--source] [--wheel] [--no-check]
                    [--no-upload | --repository NAME | --repository-url URL]

Named Arguments

--source Publish the sdist
--wheel Publish the wheel
--no-check Do not check the distributions before upload
--no-upload Do no upload built distributions
--repository Repository declared in the config file to upload to
 Repository URL to upload to

Builds distribution packages, and uploads them to a repository (package index). The default is to upload to PyPI. Use the repository flags to change. For example, this uploads the files to TestPyPI instead:

setl publish --repository-url

Repository options are passed directly to Twine.

Clean up Built Files

Clean up temporary files from build

usage: setl clean [-h]

Unlike clean, this cleans up all the built files (except the generated distributions). The in-tree .egg-info files associated to the package is also removed.